Friday, June 6, 2008

Carousel Center Flounder Tournament

I am available for charter to fish the Carousel Center Flounder Tournament.As the name implies, the Carousel Center Flounder Tournament benefits the Carousel Center, a Wilmington-based organization dedicated to meeting the needs of abused and neglected children and to preventing child abuse in southeastern NC.“Contrary to those of you who just came up here to get checks, I’d say the Carousel Center is the big winner of this tournament,” Carousel Center Board Member Margee Herring said at the awards ceremony. “We had an awesome turnout, and we were able to raise over $9,000 for the Center in 2007.”Anglers fee for the tournament are really resonable $30.00 per angler.If you are interested in helping out a worthy cause think about entering the tournament fish with the Cape Fear Guide,I fished the tournament last year for the first time,took 2nd place with 4.75 lb. flounder,I had charter last week that caught a 8 lb.+ flounder and a 6 1/2lb. so feel confident you will be fishing with a confident guide with experience.Give me a call at 910-619-0928 set up your Flounder Charter June 21,2008.
Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I fished yesterday for Spanish mackerel right along the beach from Carolina Beach to Wrightsville Beach,water depth was 18' to 21' . I fish with 30 lb.test line on my reels,I use ball bearing swivels,attaching line to a number # 1 sea striker planer,on the back end of the planer I use a 100 lb. test line crimped to the planer with and addition ball bearing swivel,this allows me just to tie a loop in my line for quick reties of leader if it becomes chaffed.I like to use a 30 lb.test line for leader, I use about 30' of leader this will catch you a lot more fish,than a shorter leader,it also allows for a stretch in the line,in case a king mackerel hits the small 00-RBMSG Clark spoon ! Gold or Silver 00 Clark Spoons are my favorite spoons for Spanish Mackerel, another great spoon is the Squid Spoon #1.Trolling speed for Spanish is important,Spanish like a fast 6 knt. to 7 knt. speed, I have run a lot of Spanish mackerel charters over the last 12 years,I normally only fish 4 rods,all with #1 sea striker planers, I fish two rods short right past the transom of the boat 5' back,one long line on the starboard side of the boat ,the port line should be run back shorter than the starboard to prevent tangles, make all your turns to the starboard side or right this will stop most of the tangles and crossed lines most people experience. If you circle a school of Spanish mackerel,you can catch your limit a lot faster, than just running through a school what is called straight lining,Carolina Beach charter boats normally catch a lot of Spanish mackerel,if you see these boats working in a circle,you know they have found the fish!
Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide


Cape Fear Fishing

I fished on the LUCKY STRIKE on Sunday 25th weather was not favorable,but the charter had only one day to fish,so it was a go ahead day ! I made my first stop, in sight of land,we dropped down with bottom rigs,caught some grey snappers,then I saw Roman Szpond from Massachusetts his rod was bent double,he had a good fish on turned out to be an amberjack.but this northerner loved the fight. We landed the amberjack,I knew it was time to move on out to 100' water depth,to find some groupers,for that was what Roman wanted to catch. It was a steady 4' wave with an occasional 6' wave but,the 34' Catamaran performed very well in the sloppy sea.I worked my spots for about an hour or so with no one hooking a grouper,I knew the fish were there,so I stepped to the back deck,I quote " I am going to show you how to catch a grouper" I pulled out my rod, rigged it with my secret rig,dropped down with in a minute I felt the grouper,I missed the fish,I fed him some line,wham! I had hooked a grouper with minutes of dropping down,I landed the black grouper,and excitement spreaded to the charter ! It was on then,that is why and experience captain that will get back and fish with the charter is so important in the success of a fishing charter.With in minutes Roman had hooked another black grouper,sometimes that is what it take to get the grouper to bite, land that first fish !

I am no longer running the Lucky Strike, lots of fun fishing on this boat, owner has passed away, RIP.

Capt.Mike Dennis

Rigging for Spanish Mackerel

I fished yesterday for Spanish mackerel right along the beach from Carolina Beach to Wrightsville Beach,water depth was 18' to 21' . I fish with 30 lb.test line on my reels,I use ball bearing swivels,attaching line to a number # 1 sea striker planer,on the back end of the planer I use a 100 lb. test line crimped to the planer with and addition ball bearing swivel,this allows me just to tie a loop in my line for quick reties of leader if it becomes chaffed.I like to use a 30 lb.test line for leader, I use about 30' of leader this will catch you a lot more fish,than a shorter leader,it also allows for a stretch in the line,in case a king mackerel hits the small 00-RBMSG Clark spoon ! Gold or Silver 00 Clark Spoons are my favorite spoons for Spanish Mackerel, another great spoon is the Squid Spoon #1.Trolling speed for Spanish is important,Spanish like a fast 6 knt. to 7 knt. speed, I have run a lot of Spanish mackerel charters over the last 12 years,I normally only fish 4 rods,all with #1 sea striker planers, I fish two rods short right past the transom of the boat 5' back,one long line on the starboard side of the boat ,the port line should be run back shorter than the starboard to prevent tangles, make all your turns to the starboard side or right this will stop most of the tangles and crossed lines most people experience. If you circle a school of Spanish mackerel,you can catch your limit a lot faster, than just running through a school what is called straight lining,Carolina Beach charter boats normally catch a lot of Spanish mackerel,if you see these boats working in a circle,you know they have found the fish!

Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide